Mr. Petrus Shuuya - CEO
Omuthiya Town Council mandate derives from Article 1 and Chapter 12 of the Namibian Constitution, and the Local Authority Act, 1992, (Act 23 of 1992) as amended.


The Office of the Chief Executive is headed by the Chief Executive Officer who serves as the accounting officer and principal adviser to the Council. He is responsible for developing enabling conditions in which the town council can achieve the aims indicated in its approved framework of mission, vision and strategy. Furthermore, to translate the town council aims and strategies into specific objectives and requirements for the management team and to provide the leadership that will enable the latter to establish the capacity, structures and conditions within the town council for effective and efficient delivery of services as defined by legislation and development plans of the country.

Supporting the CEO Office are:
Support Divisions:

1. LED - Local Economic Development Division;
2. PRO - Public Relation Office Division;


    Technical Services, Planning and Environmental Health
    Human Resources, Finance and Administration


LED Division:

With regard to Local Economic Development, the Department has the function to spearhead the initiation and promotion of local sustainable development through a coordinated business link with different stakeholders, attract and support investments, retention and expansion of business in all sectors especially the SME’s while creating employment opportunities. Other responsibilities include SME development, Investment promotion, Marketing and promotion of the town, Tourism development and promotion.

PRO Division:
Whereas, through its corporate communications branch, the Department has the mandate to serve as the council’s liaison office with the general public, collate with the media, individuals and other organizations on corporate affairs.

The Omuthiya Town Council Mandate

The Omuthiya Town Council is governed by its Municipal Council in terms of the Local Authority Act, Act 23 of 1992. Council members are elected by the residents of Omuthiya for a period of five years on the basis of a proposed political party list.

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