Message to Potential Investors
Despite the national challenge of urban serviced land delivery, Omuthiya Town Council is working hard and smart in ensuring that serviced land for residential and business purposes is made available. This being done through projects such as the current running projects of servicing the Omuthiya Extension 6 and 8. The other project, the envisaged planning of the Okashana Wetland, popularly known as Othithiya by many, is expected to avail the land for business and residential purposes in the not so distant future.
The traders that have stalls in the open market structure have been informed to move back in order to give space to others who currently sell in the streets. The informal traders should abide by the Council instructions because Council in conjunction with the police will take action against those that are failing to comply.
I would therefore like to send a message to the potential investors that have ideas of projects such as a major one stop mall, tourism establishments, private schools, medical centre, and manufacturing plants, and urban agriculture, to forward their applications to the Omuthiya Town Council for consideration. These are some of the key areas that Council is keen to develop.

T-Ehafo and others

Other Businesses & Services in Omuthiya
There is a large number of SMEs including informal traders currently operating in town. They are trying to establish themselves to get their share of the market in order to become big companies that will employ locals and drastically reduce unemployment in the town.
The local Economic Development department (LED) is working closely with the SMEs and the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) to assist them to get on their feet and grow. The LED together with NCCI and MTI, i.e. Ministry of Trade and Industry, provide SMEs with training in the areas such Customer Service, Financial Literacy, and Marketing and Sales among others. Government Institutions functional in town
Operational Opening Hours:
→ Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
→ Phone: +264 65 244 700
→ Email:
Omuthiya Town Council
Ref No. 848, Extension 3, • Omuthiya Town
Phone: +264 65 244 700 • Mon – Thur, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm