Got a issue or a question?

This site is designed to provide our residents, businesses and visitors with a quick reach out to us, giving you the opportunity to access us, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, from the comfort of your own home. Requests are not monitored on a hourly basis and are addressed during business hours. Click on the button on the right to submit your fault/issue —>

Why should i report a fault or an issue?

It allows you to contribute to your municipality’s overall well-being and progress by identifying problems and/or suggesting solutions. Citizens can freely express their expectations and aspirations, creating a platform for meaningful dialogue between residents and Council officials. Further:

    • Expedited Problem Resolution
    • Effective Prioritization
    • Advocacy for Improved Services and
    • Ensuring Accountability
Omuthiya Town Council Location

Omuthiya Town Council
Ref No. 848, Extension 3, Omuthiya Town, Oshikito Region, Namibia

Tel: +264 65 244 700
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 08:00 AM – 17:00 PM

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