Businesses & Services in Omuthiya
Omuthiya town, in its short existence, has attracted a number of businesses and investors. These include a lot of SMEs as well as bigger and highly established companies. There are also emerging local businesses that have come up and are competing with the giants in the market.
Businesses and service providers currently operating in Omuthiya town among others include:

T-Ehafo and others

Other Businesses & Services in Omuthiya
There is a large number of SMEs including informal traders currently operating in town. They are trying to establish themselves to get their share of the market in order to become big companies that will employ locals and drastically reduce unemployment in the town.
The local Economic Development department (LED) is working closely with the SMEs and the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) to assist them to get on their feet and grow. The LED together with NCCI and MTI, i.e. Ministry of Trade and Industry, provide SMEs with training in the areas such Customer Service, Financial Literacy, and Marketing and Sales among others. Government Institutions functional in town
Operational Opening Hours:
→ Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
→ Phone: +264 65 244 700
→ Email:
Omuthiya Town Council
Ref No. 848, Extension 3, • Omuthiya Town
Phone: +264 65 244 700 • Mon – Thur, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm